Thursday, February 17, 2011

Black & White Dicussion Question #3

Welcome Sam,Amanda,Noah, Amy, Claire and Walid. We are reading section 3 which are chapters 6-8, the book we are reading is Black & White by Eric Walters.
My question is,  What do you think are the most important characteristics about Tom? Explain, using examples for each characteristic.


  1. I think Tom has a lot of different characteristics. First I think Tom is athletic because he likes to
    roller blade , play basketball and snow-board. I think Tom is friendly because he was nice to Bridget and Denyse and Denyse’s family .I think Tom is hopeful because when he finds out he likes Denyse he can’t stop thinking about her and is hoping the she likes him. I think he is kind because in the book he goes to church to support her when she sings her solo . He keeps to him self with his feelings and doesn’t want to show weakness to other people .

  2. The first of many of Tom’s best characteristics, is that Tom is very athletic. He participates in a variety of sports, he roller blades (pages 68-78), he plays basketball (evident from the beginning), and recently we discovered that Tom also snow-boards (chapter 9 ). Tom since the first few chapters into the book, has been doing many different activities. Tom always has something to do like a basketball practic
    e, or some time to practice his roller blade tricks. That is why one of Tom’s characteristics is that Tom is very athletic.

    A second characteristic of Tom that’s one of his best is that Tom is very enthusiastic and encouraging when it comes to sports. While snow boarding with Denyse, as he taught her he gave her a lot of encouragement. Saying things like “You’re doing really well” on page 114. He is very happy to encourage people and get right into things with them. Tom on page 120 was very excited to get Denyse up and out onto the slopes. Adding advice and encouragement about going onto the chair lift.

    The last of Tom’s best characteristics is that he is very shy about his feelings. He doesn’t tell people how he really feels and instead keeps it inside. When talking with Denyse, we learn from his thoughts that he really likes her, but he doesn’t tell anyone about these feelings. He doesn’t even tell Steve, who is his best friend. When he talked to his father about Denyse, he was very shy and timid about it. When his father was talking about Tom liking her, he got very defensive.

    These are the best characteristics that I think Tom has.

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  4. I think that Tom has alot of different characteristics. He is very athletic he likes to play Basketball,RolerBlade,and Snow board as we just found out.

    Other than being athletic he is a very kind guys he, was giving Denyse advice while they were going on the chair lift as they were about to go snowboarding(as we found out on pg120).

    Tom really doesn't like to show his real feelings fowards Denyse,that goes to show he is a shy-kind of person.

  5. @Sam I really like how detailed you were about Toms characteristics .
    @ Walid I think tom is shy to!
    PS I love how we all agree and said that Tom is athletic.

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  7. I think that Tom's most important characeristic is he is brave, because he got injured when he was showing Denyse the trick on his skateboard,and he acted cool about it like it was no big deal. I also think he's kind of shy,because when his mom told him to go return the purse, he was hesitant to go return it to her. And he's obviously athletic because he rides a skateboard, and he is also interested in basketball.

  8. Ahhh very nice Amy.. i don't think any of us said that he's brave. Besides the skateboard indecent i think that he's brave because, he likes to hang out with Denyse, not caring what people think.

  9. @Amy- Wow good point! No one has said that he is brave like Walid said and the points you gave really supported that characteristic. Walid also said that he didn't care what people said when he is with Denyse, like the incident at the ski lodge he was willing to go and beat up the man who insulted her.

  10. WOW!!!!!! Everyone did really good awnsering the question and I really like eveyones awnser and how they are all different but yet also the same!!!!!! Great Job!!!!!!!!
